Create an Action Plan

The Action Plan helps make the Dream a reality. Encourage project teams to make it as concrete and specific as they can.

Create an action plan based on the goals and projects selected during the Design Solutions process.

Developing a plan and timeline for the objective you have decided to work on will help you identify the steps required to accomplish the objective.

  • Each action step should be concrete and measurable.
  • Identify the people and resources needed to accomplish the objective.
  • Develop a realistic time frame for accomplishing the objective.
  • Avoid giving in to "scope creep." A team doesn't have to do everything, just what is necessary to accomplish its objectives.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the action steps.
  • Celebrate and publicized success.
  • Determine next steps and take them.

The Connecting Communities Project Action Plan can be used to develop your action plans.

Note: Additional information on creating Action Plans is available in Penn State Extension's Choosing Our Direction Work Book 4.

Sample Completed Project Action Plan

Goal: We want more choices of broadband vendors or types of broadband.


  • Find out what's currently available in the community.
  • Contact vendors to learn what plans they have for improving or expanding the broadband operations and options in this community.
  • Identify resources that can help you reach your goal.
  • Report back to the leadership team and community.

Timeline: Four to six weeks — it's important to complete this project quickly because other projects depend on the results.

Follow-up tasks: Although this task should be completed early in the Connecting Communities project, it may be useful to update the results each year.

Tools: Connecting Communities Broadband Vendor Comparison Checklist

Specific Actions Team Member(s) Target Date Completed
1. Project team meets and assigns tasks. Team 9/20 Check
2. Contact local phone company Mary Gabsalot 10/4 Check
3. Contact local cable company Don Watcher 10/4 Check
4. Contact local ISPs Mike Knows 10/4 Check
5. Contact satellite broadband vendors (Wild Blue, AT&T) Charlie Outback 10/4 Check
6. Search online for other vendors serving the community Marion Finder 10/4 Check
7. Meet and discuss results Team 10/4 Check
8. Report back to leadership team Project leader 10/11 Check