SRDC - The National e-Commerce Extension Initiative
Connecting Rural Communities
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Connecting Rural Communities

Connecting the community and its members to the world through the Internet is becoming increasingly essential for community vitality. Yet, within rural communities, this task can be challenging. Connecting Rural Communities, the most recently released curriculum in the National E-Commerce Initiative, is designed to help rural communities conquer this challenge. Developed by William Shuffstall, Sheila Sager, Rae Montgomery, & Dana Noonan, this guide is designed to enhance the use and adoption of information technology tools and infrastructure in rural communities. Cooperative extension educators and community leaders can use this guide to improve:

  • The availability of access to broadband connectivity across the community;
  • The ability of organizations in the community to use digital technology to achieve their mission and goals; and
  • The ability of individuals in the community to use digital technology to improve their social and economic well-being.

For Community Leaders
and Stake Holders

Jump Into Action


Web site and all contents © Copyright SRDC 2009, All rights reserved.
CSREES These materials were developed as part of the Southern Rural Development Center’s National e-Commerce Extension Initiative. They are based upon work supported by the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under Award No. 2005-45064-03212

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Southern Rural Development Center.

For Questions or Comments, contact Shannon Turner.