We are Searching for the Next Associate Director


The Southern Rural Development Center (SRDC) seeks applications for an Associate Director position. The individual will lead the Center’s outreach-oriented activities in consultation with the Director by:

  1. Identifying and coordinating multi-state teams on emerging topics by identifying topics from stakeholders, scanning the region for research and extension collaborators and other rural development partners; convening and facilitating exploration of the topic and related next steps.
  2. Working directly with community development stakeholders in the south to address training needs.
  3. Garnering extramural funding to support southern region initiatives.
  4. Strengthening rural development research efforts in the region.
  5. Providing content leadership on SRDC communications and oversee supervision of personnel
  6. Facilitating collaboration among the region’s 30 land grant university Extension Service State Program Leaders to promote multi-state engagement and efforts.

The mission of the Southern Rural Development Center is to strengthen the capacity of the region’s 30 Land-Grant Universities to address critical contemporary rural development issues impacting the well-being of people and communities in the South.

Questions can be directed to John Green, SRDC Director, at john.green@msstate.edu.

Learn More and Apply
