Stacey McCullough

photo, stacey mccullough
Award Year

The Southern Rural Development Center is proud to honor Dr. Stacey McCullough as the 2024 recipient of the Bonnie Teater Community Development Lifetime Achievement Award. Dr. McCullough currently serves as an Assistant Vice President for Community, Professional and Economic Development at University of Arkansas System-Division of Agriculture (UADA) Cooperative Extension Service (CES) and the Director of the Public Policy Center at UADA. She has over 20 years of experience working with community and economic development at the local, regional, institutional, and national levels.

As Dr. Hunter P. Goodman, Assistant Professor, Community, Workforce, and Economic Development at UADA, stated, “Dr. McCullough embodies the Land Grant mission to higher education and the unique calling of Extension to impact the lives of people and communities through research and best practices along with community voice.” Since 2005, Dr. McCullough has been a program associate, instructor, assistant professor, director, interim associate department head, and currently assistant vice-president.

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