Delivery Continued

Prohibited and Restricted Items

Listed below are resources for finding information about prohibited and restricted items:

Customs Forms

Worksheet: Four Phases Checklist
Information about customs forms for your target international markets can be found at the following links:

  • The United States Postal Service (USPS)
    USPS lists information about customs.

    You can view sample customs forms at

    Customs forms are also offered free of charge at the Postal Service Store at

    Note: Once you click on this link, enter ‘customs forms’ in the ‘Store Search’ box located in the upper right-hand corner of the webpage. You will then be brought to a new page where you can view and order customs forms – click on a form to read about the shipping service that corresponds to each a particular form. Ordering customs forms online can save small business owners the time of having to fill these forms out at the post office.

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