Bridging the Digital Divide in Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Communities in the South
Vital to Rural Economic Development (AFRI’s Agriculture Economics and Rural Communities priority) is equitable digital access. Digital equity means all individuals have digital (internet) capacity needed for full participation in our society and economy. Digital equity is essential for economic viability and quality of life. This project's goal is to identify and address digital equity challenges facing socio-economically disadvantaged (SED) communities in the Southern Region.
The research identifies unique challenges facing these communities along with the capacity of the 1890 Extension Service to respond
Use both survey and public data to identify digital equity challenges facing SED communities in the South;
Gauge capacity of Extension Service in 1890 Land Grant Universities to respond to SED community needs related to digital equity;
Examine how SED individuals use broadband to advance quality of life as compared to non-SED individuals; and
Synthesize findings to guide future investments and practices.
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