LEAD: Leaders in Economic Alliance Development

logo of leaders in economic alliance development


SRDC 2016

SRDC, Purdue University Centerfor Regional Development, USDA, NIFA

Leaders in Economic Alliance Development, or LEAD, is designed to build capacity in counties or regions through a short partnership development and planning process that enables local residents to accomplish a goal. The purpose of LEAD is to accomplish specific tasks during each session that will lead toward the development of leadership skills and a short plan that can be implemented by the team.
Leaders – Focuses on building and strengthening leadership skills in the community; Economic – Concentrates on opportunities to enhance the local economy; Alliance – Fosters the development of new partnerships within the community; and Development – Gets things done!

What Are the Steps of LEAD:

  1. Identify members for a strong team
  2. Explore the community’s interests and concerns
  3. Generate a plan of action to pursue at least one opportunity
  4. Take action to accomplish the plan

Session Three

Civic Forum

The forum represents a valuable opportunity for local people to engage in discussions about the assets of local communities and the issues that are limiting their ability and that of the region to realize their full potential.

Post Survey